'Hey Everyone! The long awaited Official Nezha Prime Fashion Frame is here! Took me awhile to get him done, but here he is. As always make sure to smash that Like button | Comment | & hit that big red Subscribe button and I\'ll see you in the next video! Song Used: SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/kelevra_slevin/n-o-m-i-n-a-l-datura-remix-everyday-anyone Donate to support the channel: https://streamlabs.com/ggirl2020/tip Colors Used: P -Classic- C3 R16 S -Classic- C2 R16 T -Classic- C2 R16 A -Dojo- C5 R3 Em -Corpus- C3 R9 & C1 R10 En -Classic- C3 R13 P -Classic- C3 R16 S -Smoke- C1 R18 T -Classic- C5 R16 A -Eximus- C2 R17 Em -Classic- C5 R12 & C4 R3 En -Classic- C3 R4 P -Classic- C2 R17 S -Classic- C3 R16 T -Smoke- C1 R18 A -Rollers- C3 R18 Em -Classic- C5 R8 & Eximus C5 R3 En -Classic- C3 R7 If there\'s any games that you wish for me to play let me know in the comments below! Platform: PS4 IGN: GGirl2020 Need more dose of fashion? Check this playlist out: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkWNzc2gaXhdmX3r8tLAb7I2BhY6Qggnc Follow my Socials! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ggirl2020yt/ TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeGcN7LP/'
Tags: fashion , warframe , frame , prime , warframe fashion frame , Nezha , nezha fashion frame , GGirl2020 , Nezha Prime , Nezha Prime Fashion Frame , Warframe cinematic
See also: